Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Early Morning

55 days guys!!! How excited are you?! I cannot wait and I've already started to pack. I know, I'm sick.
Actually, truth be told, I started to pack the second I got home from the last trip!

Here is another video of something you will likely never see in the parks. I don't think Mike has ever seen it and I know the kid have never seen it.

The only way I've ever seen it is back when I used to go to Disney twice a year on my own, I'd arrive so damn early to the Magic Kingdom there would be someone out there with Hot Chocolate and Coffee and I'd be able to watch this show.

It's the "official" park opening ceremony and happens each and every day.

Of course, if you happen to be in the parks already say for breakfast and you eat really fast, you can also see this
and if you get to Hollywood Studios in time
and Animal Kingdom
and Epcot
While I will have you all up early, it will never be early enough (save for the first full day) to ever see any of these events

and just to make you smile this guy. Wish I could pack like this

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