Thursday, December 16, 2010



While we are having temperamental weather in April, Orlando sees nothing but sunshine and heat.
I’m not going to tell you what specifically to pack but rather to tell you to pack what you are most comfortable in for walking a lot in warm weather.
If you wear shorts, pack em, if you are a long pants year round kinda guy then pack them.

I’ve never seen my father in a tee shirt. I mean never ever ever. My whole life, he’s only ever worn button downs. In the summer they are just short sleeved and more casual. To my dad, dressing down is a polo shirt with the buttons undone.
If I told him, he had to wear shorts and a tee-shirt, he would be miserable the whole trip because he would be uncomfortable.

The key to having a good time is to be comfortable. Whatever that means to you, pack it up.

I am a chronic over packer but even with that my wardrobe is mostly tee-shirts and leggings and converse sneakers.

Disney World is by no means a formal fancy place. You can walk into any of the restaurants or on any of the rides and feel comfy in whatever you have on.

Okay, while I said I wasn’t going to TELL you what to pack, I do have some suggestions based on experience. You don’t have to listen to me if you don’t want to.
I'm also going to suggest that you attempt to fit everything you need in a carry on bag to avoid the disgusting fees the airlines are now charging for checked bags.

Baseball Cap - to keep your dome sunburn free (I hate them with a passion and almost always wound up with a sunburned scalp. I now carry a cute umbrella to keep the sun off of me.)

Disposable rain poncho - Go to Target or Walmart and get one of those itty bitty folded rain ponchos. Disney does get rain almost every day and while the storms don’t last long, they can often leave you soaked to the bone which sucks on the rides.

Sunblock - I’ll have some on me all the time in the parks for touch ups but you should pack your own. My best sunblock tip is to apply it all over yourself in the morning before you get dressed. (au natural if you will) that way you will get every nook and cranny that might get sunburned.
I’m a massive fan of the spray on sunblock in the highest SPF you can find.

Bathing Suit - You will want to be in the pool at least a little bit and if you don’t want to hit the pool, you might want to hit the Jacuzzi. Just pack it. Trust me.

Swim Shirt - A worthwhile investment. Often called a Rash Guard.
Camera - If you have a digital, don’t forget a backup battery and the chargers
Cel phone Charger
All your prescription meds
Tylenol or other painkiller
or some sort of tummy soother if you use it at home, bring it.
Gum or Mints - Disney doesn’t sell gum and Mints are hard to find
Sunglasses - I really don’t need to say anything about this do I?
Sneakers or comfy shoes - You will be logging mucho miles on this trip and your feet will want something they are used to. A Disney vacation is NOT the time to break in new shoes.
A book or something to read (this is more for me because I’m going to be stuck in the room with the kiddos at night)
Prescription glasses or contacts (If you wear contacts, get solution)
Water bottle - Great for filling with ice in the morning and refilling at water fountains
Bandaids or something for blisters. - Just because you never ever know
Goldbonds Powder
Small backpack or fanny pack - I carry a small purse, Mike has a backpack. You will want something.
Sweatshirt or windbreaker - Maybe it’s only me but I’m usually cold at night
Ziploc Bags - Good for packing and putting wet clothing into
Chapstick - If you use it
Wet Wipes
Beach Shoes - Flip Flops or Crocs
Dental floss
Any toiletries you use at home, go to CVS or Walgreens or Target or Walmart or Bed Bath and Beyond and snag them in travel size. I can’t stress this next tip enough:
I am a travel size item junkie. I love itty bitty and find myself buying items I never use and wasting cash.
Travel Size Suggestions:
Shaving Cream

Get a backpack or a fannypack or a murse (man purse) because while you don't want to be a pack mule you will have to carry some stuff with you.

Travel Light-- Take the essentials out of your wallet or purse -- Cash, travelers' checks, checkbook, ATM card, credit card(s) -- put them in your fanny pack or somewhere safe, and leave the rest behind. Most of the other stuff in your wallet only applies at home (library cards, student ID, video store cards, etc.) or can be retrieved from your room if you need it (insurance card, etc.). It won't be lost or stolen if you don't have it with you, and you won't have to worry about it

Here is what I always have in my park bag:
Wet Wipes
Nail Glue
Wallet (Cash, CC, Room Key, Insurance Card)
Cel Phone
Digital Camera
Hair Ties

Clearly some of this doesn't apply to you boys but it will give you an idea or a jumping off point. 

We usually pack a box or two and ship stuff down.
Here is how to do it:

Just address it to the resort's address and mark on the box "Please hold for guest <your name> arrival on April 6th, 2011" I usually also put our confirmation number on the box as well.

Disney's Old Key West Resort
1510 North Cove Road
Lake Buena Vista, FL 32830
(407) 827-7700

I usually ship down things like hangers (I can’t hang the kids stuff on the hangers they have there) and extra sneakers or pairs of shoes (Have I mentioned I’m a chronic over packer?) and snacks for the kids and the rain ponchos and my umbrella, pajamas.
Anything that’s heavy or bulky or will take up too much valuable room in your suitcase can be shipped.

I will suggest that you pack a separate smaller carry on that will hold a change of clothing for you once you arrive at the hotel. (An alternative to a separate bag is to put an outfit and whatever you will want in the parks in a gallon sized ziploc bag and place it in your bag last. When we get to the hotel, it will be easy to get to)

We will be arriving super early so our rooms most likely won't be ready.  We will put our bags with the bell hops and hit the parks. I will be changing the kids from pants to shorts and Mike will be doing the same.

A final note on packing. Space Bags. Can't rave about them enough. Bed Bath and Beyond carries a travel version of the bags that you sit on to foosh the air out and you can double or triple the amount of stuff you bring. (which for a chronic over packer like me, is a very good thing)

Also know, I will be doing a laundry and will be happy to toss some of your stuff in as well.

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